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Week 4: How might we?

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

This week was focused on the other half of the first diamond - finding out what is the specific problem that we as a team would like to solve. In other words, as the name of this blog hints, we had to come up with the question - "How might we…?"

At first, it seemed like a pretty straightforward and easy task, it turned out to be the opposite. During the week before we conducted several interviews with teenagers in different ages from around Israel in order to understand their day to day life and their relationships with their parents and friends. From those interviews we got to a few interesting topics that were the most significant among the kids.

The main topics were:

  1. loneliness.

  2. The effect of social networks.

  3. The lack of sharing.

As a team we decided to pick the issue by a few factors:

  1. Which problem is most concerning?

  2. What is most likely to be solvable.

  3. What came up the most.

After considering these aspects and analyzing the three issues listed above, the lack of sharing was chosen.

We gathered together as a group and looked even deeper into the findings of the expert and teen interviews in order to figure out the most accurate question to handle in the next year.

Eventually we had to construct our question, the result was:

How might we help youth share their feelings and emotions?

Now all that’s left is to solve it (;

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