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Week 17: GUI Changnes

Updated: Apr 25, 2022

The user tests this week continued to provide us with interesting insights about the app. We continued to refine the app’s characterization upon what we have learned from the tests. We also met Hezi and decided to change the home screen so that the main question will be in the middle. Moreover, we also decided to change the bottoms and the way they are displayed that so would be more attractive to the user.

We also continued with the UI study of the app which included a search with psychological significance- a reference to venting emotions in front of app that has a character or a name that the user is deciding about. We were also able to move forward after the conversation with Hezi who gave us some feedback and tips about our last changes and helped us to make the changes even more precise. It looks like the app is starting to take shape and we’re moving a little further each week towards the finished result we are striving to reach.

Unfortunately, after consultations and tests, we can no longer find an efficient and elegant solution for working with the figma and the application, so we will start working manually on the design. In addition, one begins to understand how to combine the image and emoji feature as required.

We will continue to test and explore how to do this and move forward with adding the additional features properly.

We are Curious for the upcoming meeting with the mentors and the upcoming weeks to come! Its already Passover and time flies fast! We can’t believe that we are about to start to work on our final project and in some point, we really want to stop the time a little bit.

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